Elijah Adanseɛ’s “Aseda” is a highly awaited pure gospel song.is now available for both...
The Best of YAABA Songs is available here. The true gospel songs The Best...
Yaaba’s much awaited authentic gospel song “Na Mennim” is now available online. Every platform...
Finally, Yaaba’s highly anticipated true gospel song “Mede Wo Aseda Ka” is available.that features...
Yaaba’s highly awaited authentic gospel song “Ahenie No Aba” is now available. You may...
Yaaba’s highly awaited authentic gospel song “Ahenie No Aba” is now available. You may...
Yaaba has finally released the much-anticipated true gospel song “Aseda Ndwom.”.Which features BlessingKindly watch...
The much-awaited “The Journey” music video” by Yaaba, a true gospel tune, is finally...
Yaaba has finally released the much-anticipated true gospel song “Aseda Ndwom.”.Which features BlessingThis song...
Yaaba’s much-awaited authentic gospel song “The Journey” is now available.In actuality, this song discusses...